06:57 | Author: Michael and Lindsay Condie
We made grape juice last weekend, from the concord grape vines on our East fence!

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4 comentários:

On 9 de setembro de 2008 às 08:04 , Jackie disse...

Very crafty! I wish we had a magical fence like that that grew grapes. :)

PS- I finally figured out you have a blog! Hope you don't mind me stalking you regularly.

On 9 de setembro de 2008 às 17:16 , Marissa and Blaine disse...

Wow! You're awesome! I don't think it would even cross my mind to do something like that!

On 9 de setembro de 2008 às 22:16 , Taylor disse...

Yum grape juice! I have grapes too and need to do something with them. I canned some last year and it was a disaster. Can I get any advice? Where is your recipe from? What kinds of equipment do I need? How did you get the seeds out?

On 10 de setembro de 2008 às 13:55 , Emily disse...

Yay!! Now you have something edible inside your house. :)