09:19 | Author: Michael and Lindsay Condie

…had a crazy dog weekend. I’ll spare you the long details of the story, but basically Sophie is in heat and the other dogs (mostly bandit) have gone crazy. I’m surprised our sleep-deprived neighbors haven’t yet organized something resembling the mob on Beauty and the Beast to kick us out of the neighborhood. Last night we ended up with 3 dogs in different areas of our house, and one left outside, hoping to minimize the barking noise. We didn’t get any sleep of course, but hopefully the neighbors got a couple hours.

The really sad news is, we might not be able to keep Bandit. He is just so aggressive and always has been, but now it is worse than ever. I don’t even think neutering him will help at this point. He starts fights with Jack constantly, and yesterday they both were limping around like they had hurt legs. We’ll give it a couple days, and then see.

Other than that, the weekend was busy but good. Lots of church stuff, also we went to see our brother in law Kyle’s band play at the U of U and then stayed up way too late playing basket weaving bacon at Denny’s. Then we slept in till noon… it was great! We also went to see the Body World’s exhibit downtown Salt Lake. It was really crowded, but super awesome! It was hard to imagine all the displays were once real, live people. The fetus display was my favorite… something you would never see anywhere else.
Overall, it was an okay weekend. But I can hardly keep my eyes open!
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18:12 | Author: Michael and Lindsay Condie
Mike corrected me on the "bless his soul" thing, it is supposed to be "bless his heart"...

So, you can say anything you want about someone, no matter how mean, as long as you say "bless his heart" after.

Mike is such a child, bless his heart.
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07:37 | Author: Michael and Lindsay Condie
He is such a child, bless his soul...

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19:07 | Author: Michael and Lindsay Condie
This time it's with Stacey's bangs! She wanted me to cut them this weekend... here's the results!

So cute!
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18:43 | Author: Michael and Lindsay Condie
Here are some before and after pics of our house. The upstairs is finally done... so much work! But it's been really nice to enjoy it. The before pictures were all taken before we closed on the house so the previous owner's stuff is in it, hopefully it doesn't make it too hard to imagine.

Hallway into kitchen BEFOREAfter! (minus the blinds--they weren't in yet)Office/2nd bedroom BEFOREAfter!
And this room gets the Most Improved award... here's BEFORE
AFTER!!! The colors look a little weird because the lighting made it hard to capture how it really looks. This is the closest I could get.

(3 pics... the last one is the laundry shoot door that Mike made from scratch!)

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12:45 | Author: Michael and Lindsay Condie

As Napoleon Dynamite once wisely said, girls only want boyfriends (in this case husbands) who have great skills. So--in celebration of the upstairs of our house being finished this weekend--I thought I would post some of the skills Mike & I (mostly I, since Mike can pretty much do anything anyway) have learned from remodeling.

Wall putty
Wall texture
Ceiling texture
Wood floor sanding
Wood floor staining/finishing
Lawn fertilizing
Pouring cement pad
Jackhammer concrete
Chain link fence
Wood fence
Wood staining
Installing a new doorway
Installing trim
Planting/raising a garden
Installing toilets
Installing sinks
Installing hardware
Finding a leak and replacing plumbing
Unclogging sewer pipes
Building cabinet-type doors
Installing/reinstalling doorknob/locks
Starting furnace/water heater
Fixing water softener
Repairing broken windows (good job Mike for breaking it first! LOL)

It's making me tired thinking and sore just about it! Here are some new skills we will learn coming up soon to finish the basement:

Electrical work
Building cabinet doors
Leveling floor

And no, we will not come help you with your house projects! j/k... but seriously.
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07:41 | Author: Michael and Lindsay Condie
This weekend we painted the bathroom and tiled the kitchen counters. Not done yet, but below are some pictures in-progress. Also a pretty picture of our house with a big storm behind it.

Then I have some random pictures from this weekend...

We went to conference Saturday morning, but didn't take any pictures. It was fun, but I'll just watch it on TV in the future. Too much hassle to get there, parking, walking in the rain, standing in line, sitting for 3 1/2 hours, etc. We had good seats though.

I also got a flat tire heading up for a girl's night with the Condie's. Stephanie changed my tire all by herself while we all watched. Good thing someone knew what they were doing!

Stacey & Kyle slept over Saturday night, we went out to eat and Kyle helped us with our Portuguese. It's really sad how bad we are. It makes me sick to my shtomagoo. Stacey woke me up early Sunday to tell me the kitchen had flooded. Since the sink plumbing is open, something had backed up and had been spilling over. It proceeded to flood 9 or 10 times throughout the day. We had to build a contraption to keep it from flooding while we're at work today.

Enjoy the pictures!

Like how we gave up on the lawn for the year already? No, Mike... you don't EAT the wood filler!
This is what a 60 year old sink looks like... gross. I can't believe we ever questioned whether we should replace it or not.
Long job ahead of us..
Getting closer
Mike says he likes this pic because I "look like" I'm working.. HA! He wishes he was as good as me at tiling.A couple of last minute touches

I cannot believe how good it turned out!! The color is perfect. and the new sink is bigger than the old one!! I'll post more when it actually is grouted and clean and doesn't have little green spacers in it :) The sink didn't quite fit, so he had to cut a little out.
Checking out the plumbing. His shirt got slightly wet...Jasper doing what he does best! Mount Jasper. He loves to sit on top of piles of blankets, pillows, laundry, etc. Maybe it makes him feel bigger?
Clearly he is a big help with laundry.

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